
“…the tea­cher must have the cou­ra­ge to be wrong. His task is not to pro­ve infal­li­ble, knowing ever­ything and never going wrong, but rather inex­haus­ti­ble, ever see­king and perhaps some­ti­mes finding.”

Arnold Schönberg

“I find it real­ly important to deve­lop your own sound”, says Yulia. “I try to show my stu­dents all the ways of shaping a sound that I have found out for mys­elf. The soul of a sound in all its facets is ulti­mate­ly a phy­si­cal thing. I am still lear­ning new approa­ches myself.”

For Yulia, each indi­vi­du­al stu­dent at the Barenboim-Said-Akademie remains a uni­que and crea­ti­ve chal­len­ge, which she delights in. “It is important to make each per­son awa­re of their musi­cal and tech­ni­cal strengths and weak­nes­ses. Depending on the per­so­na­li­ty I see befo­re me, I have to ask mys­elf, how can I best help them in their deve­lo­p­ment? I find that huge­ly enjoya­ble.“ Her role as a tea­cher is in no small part hel­ping stu­dents to help them­sel­ves. “Today more than ever, young musi­ci­ans are floo­ded with musi­cal impres­si­ons from all con­ceiva­ble peri­ods, and at the same time they are con­stant­ly requi­red to pro­ve them­sel­ves. It is important to focus with the stu­dent on their indi­vi­du­al play­ing.” Yulia belie­ves that a tea­cher can shape this until the time is ripe to let them go.



“…the tea­cher must have the cou­ra­ge to be wrong. His task is not to pro­ve infal­li­ble, knowing ever­ything and never going wrong, but rather inex­haus­ti­ble, ever see­king and perhaps some­ti­mes finding.”

Arnold Schönberg

“I find it real­ly important to deve­lop your own sound”, says Yulia. “I try to show my stu­dents all the ways of shaping a sound that I have found out for mys­elf. The soul of a sound in all its facets is ulti­mate­ly a phy­si­cal thing. I am still lear­ning new approa­ches myself.”

For Yulia, each indi­vi­du­al stu­dent at the Barenboim-Said-Akademie remains a uni­que and crea­ti­ve chal­len­ge, which she delights in. “It is important to make each per­son awa­re of their musi­cal and tech­ni­cal strengths and weak­nes­ses. Depending on the per­so­na­li­ty I see befo­re me, I have to ask mys­elf, how can I best help them in their deve­lo­p­ment? I find that huge­ly enjoya­ble.“ Her role as a tea­cher is in no small part hel­ping stu­dents to help them­sel­ves. “Today more than ever, young musi­ci­ans are floo­ded with musi­cal impres­si­ons from all con­ceiva­ble peri­ods, and at the same time they are con­stant­ly requi­red to pro­ve them­sel­ves. It is important to focus with the stu­dent on their indi­vi­du­al play­ing.” Yulia belie­ves that a tea­cher can shape this until the time is ripe to let them go.